Prof. Dr. Ing. Radu Rădescu

Radu RĂDESCU was born in Sighişoara (Mureş county), where he attended high school. In 1988, he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications at the University "Politehnica" of Bucharest (UPB), Department of Applied Electronics. Between October 1988 and April 1990, he worked as electronics engineer at the Peripheral Equipment Company in Bucharest, after which he is hired as assistant professor at the Applied Electronics and Information Engineering Department from UPB. In 1996, he became lecturer, in 1999, associate professor and, in 2017, professor in the same department. In 1992, he joined IEEE. He obtained his PhD degree in Electronics in 1998, under the scientific guidance of the late professor Adrian-Traian Murgan, with the thesis entitled "Contributions to the development of coding theory". He has taught, in 30 years of pedagogical experience, the subjects of Information Transmission Theory, Detection and Estimation in Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Information Digital Transmission, Computer Architectures, Peripheral Equipment (undergraduate level), Multimedia Equipment and Technologies, Management of Electronic Support Activities (e-activities), and Complex Interconnection Networks (postgraduate level). He completed training courses at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany (1997) and at the Higher School of Physics, Chemistry and Electronics in Lyon, France (1999–2000 and 2001–2002, specializing in e-learning). He has developed 10 books, 23 manuals and practical works guides, 8 new study subjects, as well as over 200 papers and scientific communications published in specialty journals or presented at national and international conferences. He was responsible for 7 national and international grants or projects, contributing to 15 other research contracts, of which 7 projects were granted by the Romanian Academy, the National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation and the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education. He is the initiator and author of the Easy-Learning e-learning platform (launched in 2005). He participated in a collaboration program with the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland (1994). He has given scientific lectures at Södertörns University in Stockholm, Sweden (2004) and at Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2006), in the framework of the European Socrates-Erasmus programs. Between 2001 and 2003, he recorded 11 conferences for the "Radio University" program, for the Romanian Cultural Radio. At the National Conference on Virtual Education (CNIV), organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Bucharest, he was awarded with Mention and Popularity Award (2005) and with Creativity Award (2006). In 2015, he obtained the Diploma for the contribution of scientific papers published at the International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL).