Applied Electronics (ELA)
The study programme Applied Electronics (ELA) provides the graduates the necessary skills, according to the needs of actual qualifications, as well as a modern technical and scientific curriculum, which will allow rapid employment after graduation. The fundamental training in the field of applied electronics is ensured by subjects such as: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms, Measurements in Electronics and Telecommunications, Signals and Systems, Electronic Materials, Electronic Devices, Passive Components and Circuits, Object Oriented Programming, Project – Signals and Programming, Basic Electronic Circuits, Digital Integrated Circuits, Microprocessor Architecture, Circuits Analysis and Synthesis, Electronic Circuits – Laboratory, Electronic Components Models for SPICE, Information Transmission Theory, Microwaves, Analogic Integrated Circuits, Electronic Measuring Instruments, Microcontrollers, Project 1 – Electronic Devices and Circuits, Decision and Estimation in Information Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Television, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Automatic Control in Electronics and Telecommunications, Project 2 – Programmable Electronics, Databases/Operating Systems, Industrial Electronics and Informatics, Computer Architectures, Programmable Electronic Systems, Medical Imaging, Medical Electronics and Informatics, 3D Graphics, Power Electronic Processors, Robotics, Automatic Testing of Equipments and Processes, Reconfigurable Computing Systems, Computer Aided Analysis of Power Electronic Circuits, Quality and Reliability, Automotive Electronics.
The objectives of the Applied Electronics study programme consist in the development of knowledge and abilities in:
- the design and implementation of efficient power conversion circuits and modules for industry, medicine, telecommunications, computer systems, home appliencies, etc;
- the design and use of electronic equipments in medicine with the purpose of optimizing the medical act through the implementation of technical solutions in the medical field;
- the solution for problems arising from testing electronic and process equipments, using communications standards for programmable instrumentation and process diagnosis, as well as the analysis and modelling of automatic systems and equipments;
- the understanding and use of concepts and techniques specific to computer science in the implementation of dedicated electronic systems, robotics, etc;
- the fundamentals in management, marketing or e-commerce.
The specific objectives of the Applied Electronics study programme aim to develop the abilities necessary for the following professional and transversal skills:
Professional skills:
C1. The use of fundamental elements regarding electronic devices, circuits, systems instrumentation and technology
C2. The application of basic methods for signal acquisition and processing
C3. The application of knowledge, concepts and basic methods regarding computer systems architecture, microprocessors, microcontrollers, programming languages and techniques
C4. The design and use of hardware and software applications of low complexity, specific to the field of applied electronics
C5. The application of knowledge, concepts and basic methods in: power electronics, automatic systems, electrical power management, electromagnetic compatibility
C6. The solutions for technological problems specific to the field of applied electronics
Transversal skills:
CT1. Methodical analysis of professional issues, by identifying the elements for which known solutions exist, assuring the fulfilment of professional tasks
CT2. Defining activities in steps and assigning them to subordinates with full explanations of the tasks, based on hierarchical levels, ensuring the efficient exchange of information and inter-human communication
CT3. Adapting to new technologies, professional and personal development through continuous learning using printed materials, specialized software and electronic resources in the Romanian language and at least on foreign language
The applied Electronics study programme is available in the English language, having the EUR-ACE (European Accredited Engineer) label accreditation, thus ensuring the recognition of studies in the European Union.