Information Engineering (INF)
The study programme Information Engineering (INF) provides the graduates the necessary skills, according to the needs of actual qualifications, as well as a modern technical and scientific curriculum, which will allow rapid employment after graduation. The fundamental training in the field of applied electronics is ensured by subjects such as: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Signals and Systems, Decision and Estimation in Information Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Integrated Circuits, Microprocessor Architecture, Circuits Analysis and Synthesis.
The specialization in Information Engineering is done during the semesters 6-8, with the subjects: Programming Technologies for Internet, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Databases Design, Shape Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Image Analysis, Integrated Computational Intelligence, Optimization Techniques in Programming, Parallel Computing, Distributed Programming, Hybrid Communication Systems, Computers Systems Architecture
The objectives of the Applied Electronics study programme consist in the development of knowledge and abilities in:
- the adequate general technical training for an engineer, including basic knowledge in the fields of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, chemistry;
- basic knowledge in the field of electronic devices and circuits, linear and digital integrated circuits;
- understanding and using the fundamental concepts in the field of communications and information transmission;
- knowledge of the structure, characteristics and design of information processing systems, with or without real-time constraints;
- knowledge regarding the structure and functioning of microprocessors, memories, peripheral equipment in computer technology, hardware and software;
- mastering the concepts, principles and methods of design, implementation and testing of local computing systems and computer networks, hardware and software;
- providing software development skills, using different languages, standards and tools for analysis, modeling, design, verification, optimization, in local applications or distributed on the Internet;
- providing skills for the development of scientifically based solutions, elaborate algorithms for processing complex data structures - images / voice / etc.
The specific objectives of the Information Engineering study programme aim to develop the abilities necessary for the following professional and transversal skills:
Professional skills:
C1. Operating with scientific, engineering and computer science fundamental concepts;
C2. Design of hardware, software and communications components;
C3. Problem solving using computer science and engineering tools;
C4. Use of technologies and programming environments;
C5. Use of fundamental elements related to electronic devices, circuits and instrumentation;
C6. Applying, in typical situations, the basic methods of signal acquisition and processing.
Transversal skills:
CT1. Honorable, responsible, ethical conduct in the spirit of the law to ensure the reputation of the profession;
CT2. Identification, description and development of projects in project management, taking over the different roles in the team and clear and concise description, verbally and in writing, of the results in the field of activity;
CT3. Demonstrating the spirit of initiative and action to update professional, economic and organizational culture knowledge.