Prof. Dr. Ing. Georgeta Mihaela Neagu

Prof. Georgeta-Mihaela UNGUREANU (research) got her PhD title in Electronics and Telecommunication from Politehnica Univ. of Bucharest, where she is currently tenured habilitated professor. Her expertise in (bio/automotive) signal processing, artificial intelligence, programming is supported by the following: h-index 9, more than 150 publications, 48 being indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, cited for more than 220 times (more than 100 citations in impact factor journals); principal investigation of international/national grants (89grants/individual projects: 6 international grants, funded by DFG/ NWO/ FP7/ Fulbright, and 3 national grants, funded by CNCSIS) and researcher in 11 national grants; reviewer/editorial member for impact factor journals; evaluator of international/national research grants (European Framework Programme for Research - Horizon 2020 (FET), FP7: FP7-PEOPLE-2012/2013/2014, FP7-SME-2012 Programme; Fulbright Commission; The Research Promotion Foundation - RPF of Cyprus; the International Research Foundation BSF - United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; WoW - Wellbeing of Women, United Kingdom; MCT - Romanian Ministry of Education, Research; CNCSIS - The National Univ. Research Council in Romania).